What is the novel »Beachlandia« about?
Lou Zipsky sits, enveloped in a pink cloud, on the 121st floor of »Beachlandias« narratological faculty, an enigmatic tower of ancient pale pink stone. He is trapped in an endless 78th hour and must recount and write down what happened in the previous 77 hours, before the cloud will release him. With everything at his disposal—including 13 typewriters of questionable origin—Lou, as narrator, penetrates this 78th hour and soon realizes that he is developing an »almost manic relationship with writing tools«.

77 hours earlier, Lou Zipsky arrives by sea in »Beachlandia«, the eternal land of rays. After three years in his aunt's hotel, he returns to the university to replace a former student and now doctoral candidate named Hitori at short notice, who disappeared in the corridors almost two weeks ago while fetching photocopying paper. Lou, who actually wanted to write a gigantomaniac novel, now intends to become a functionary in the narratological faculty in order to make up for the sobering events of the past few years.

Lou soon realizes that he is no longer up to the demands of academic work and escapes into all kinds of rampant conversations with his old friends at the university. An uncontrollable curiosity, but at times also completely different motives, drive Lou and his circle of friends to make forays through the nine basement floors of the faculty and subsequently also up into its Babylonian-looking tower—a tower whose true height is obscured by the ominous pink cloud which, according to all the rumors, originates from strange machines. Further confusion is caused by a 13-year-old boy called Tom Ghostly, who wanders through all the floors in ghostly galoshes and seems to be everywhere at once.

Following a “poetics of consecutive hours”, »Beachlandia« is a novel that tells the longings and secrets between 13 protagonists, all of whom are connected to the faculty of narratology, in 78 consecutive hours. Following no less a “poetics of failure”, Lou Zipsky and the novel repeatedly draw parallels to other representatives of this writing tradition, including Franz Kafka as well as Donna Tartt, Marianne Fritz, Thomas Pynchon and David Foster Wallace.

»Beachlandia« is a geometricized novel with a penchant for experimentation that blends characteristics of both the high novel and popular genres to create a uniquely dense reading experience. Scheduled for publication in 2025, »Beachlandia« will finally be the first installment in a multi-volume series that has been in the making and growing for more than a decade.

[Please note that »Beachlandia« is written and going to be published in German, with the goal being to translate it into English as quick as possible.]
Where can I find further informatin on »Beachlandia«?

Please also take a look at the »Beachlandia«-FAQ!

Who are the protagonists?
#01 Lou Zipsky
Ehemaliger summa-cum-laude-Student der narratologischen Fakultät, der nach drei Jahren gescheiterter Autorenexistenz im Hotel seiner Tante wieder nach Beachlandia und an die Fakultät zurückkehrt, um Akademiker zu werden. Mitte zwanzig, will eine künstlerisch-forschende Dissertation über T.S. Eliots narratives Langgedicht The Waste Land schreiben.

#02 Lemona von Lehmdorff
Lou's best friend back when studying and also summa-cum-laude student, now a doctoral student at the faculty of narratology. Supporting actress in art films. In her mid-twenties, dabbles in novel writing. Synaesthete. Writing a doctoral thesis entitled: “Rented Rooms: On Topophilia in Serial and Episodic Media.”

#03 Hitori
Studied in the branch of film studies at the faculty of narratology back then. Lemona's best friend from her youth, recently disappeared while fetching copy paper from the faculty. Considered a difficult genius and protégé of the experimental filmmaker Archimbaldo Fawkes.

#04 Dox Mortalla
Former fellow student and friend of Lou and Lemona. Early dropout due to negative influences from his studies. In his late twenties, self-declared “flotsam and jetsam hunter” in search of a state of complete simplicity. Melancholic and alternative-cartographer of Beachlandia.

#05 Dolph Plastem
Dox Mortalla's old childhood friend, associate student in the narratology program, who is said to have more sexual than professional interests. Quite famous Neurologist of Beachlandia, rumored to have become a doctor of medicine by dubious means. In his late twenties, indulges in body worship.

#06 Clong C. Clong
Dolph Plastem's cousin. Fellow student who is not making any noticeable progress in his studies and, according to the aptitude tests, should have become a simple "keyholder" at the faculty, but now works in the faculty's office administration. In his late twenties.

#07 Archimbaldo Fawkes
Experimental filmmaker, who in recent years has accepted a teaching position as an external lecturer in film studies at the faculty of narratology. Hitori's idol. Is now in a creative crisis. In his mid-forties.

#08 ???*

#09 ???*

#10 ???*

#11 ???*

#12 ???*

#13 ???*


*Protagonists #08-13 will be explored in the following »Beachlandia«-volumes by means of internal focalization.
Which items and utensils are part of the story?
Poet's Mouth
Mysterious object that Dox Mortalla stumbles across on the beach at night.

Blumfeld's Bouncy Balls
Two bouncy balls that are rumored to exist and defy the laws of physics because they never stop bouncing.

Blumfeld's Map of the Lower Levels
Eine Karte, die nur etwa 10% der Zeit mit den Gegebenheiten der Wirklichkeit übereinstimmt.

Wooden Sword of the Beach Nymphs
Item that is given to Archimbaldo Fawkes, but which has no known function.

A belt owned by Dolph Plastem that manipulates the neurological conditions through subtle electric shocks and grants immunity to love as long as it is worn.

Key of the Underground Domain UG1
Universal key for the first basement floor, which locks and accesses all doors on the entire floor.

Gloother's Keychain
Key ring that Gloother leaves behind and that locks unknown doors.

A legendary film prop from Archimbaldo Fawkes' experimental films, consisting of a helmet, fleece jacket, corduroy trousers and moon boots.

Gloother's Blood Stained Shirt
Shirt, which Gloother hands to Lou and which identifies the wearer as a low-ranked university assistant.

Rainbow Cocktail
Cocktail in full-color-spectrum handed to Clong by Larry Breadbaker / Larry 4D.
How can I get my hands on a reading sample?

Here you will find reading samples as soon as they are published in early 2025!